Kristen O’Dell, Arts Educator

Kristen O’Dell, Arts Educator

“The two mediums I tend to focus more on are ceramics and drawing, although I do paint, sculpt and do printmaking. I would say those are my top five. As an arts educator, I do a little bit of everything but me personally, that would be my pecking order. I like...
Ida Mae Short, Printmaker

Ida Mae Short, Printmaker

“I mainly do a lot of printmaking and drawing. I do some mixed media pieces. I like to combine different forms of printmaking. For a long time, I only did figurative work. In the last year or two, I’ve gotten much more into abstract work, and that is in part because...
Heather Potsander, Arts Educator

Heather Potsander, Arts Educator

“Most recently I started doing fusible web quilting or fusible web appliqué. There are different names out there depending on what you want to call it. I’m creating a design and really simplifying it and cutting shapes out of fabric, and then quilting over it. I like...
Jama Brookmyer Graber, Arts educator

Jama Brookmyer Graber, Arts educator

“Currently I’m at Waterford Elementary School here in the Goshen Community Schools system, and I teach grades K through five. We do pretty much everything that I can get my hands on: painting, drying, ceramics, watercolor. I try to do some fiber arts, mostly weaving,...
Brian Whirledge, Painter

Brian Whirledge, Painter

“I use egg tempera, which is one of the oldest painting mediums. It’s egg yolk mixed with ground rocks, colorful minerals. It goes back to ancient Egypt and is extremely durable and long-lasting. It’s the traditional medium for Byzantine icons. Egg tempera also dries...