“My medium is InterPlay. InterPlay is a system developed in California by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter. It’s an active, creative way to access the wisdom of your body. It uses movement, dance, storytelling, poetry, stillness. You can make up songs. It’s all in the context of bringing forth your body wisdom. It’s being in the present and making stuff up as you go.

Quite frequently I get these insights when I’m doing InterPlay because I integrate my whole body through the various forms that we do, that we play with in our community. I get these insights about myself. As you’re dancing them or as you’re telling a story about something, you have these ‘A-ha!’ moments – ‘Oh, I didn’t know about that in myself.’ And then you can explore that.

The good thing is, you do it in the community of the tribe that you’re with, so you’ve got this back and forth and you’ve got someone who’s witnessing you.

We have a functioning, very active InterPlay community right here in Goshen. We have a variety of people who can teach it, so I don’t have to lead it. I’m really proud of having developed these other leaders who are better than me at teaching this stuff, to be honest. I really like playing, with other people leading the session.”

Linda Miller - Goshen Arts Council
Linda Miller - Goshen Arts Council