“My medium is photography. I tend to lean more towards classic. I want people to be able to look at their pictures today and then again in twenty years from now and not be like, look at that eighties hair! I tend to photograph women. I really enjoy the empowerment part of photography. Being able to take something that I do creatively and turn that into somebody else looking at themselves in an image and seeing what the world sees when they look at them. We are our own worst critics. There’s this quote I love, “Comparison is the thief of joy”, and I feel like as women we’re always comparing ourselves to everything we see in the world and we’re given such a distorted picture of what we’re supposed to look like. Part of my job is to take what they look like and say, look, you could be on the cover of a magazine too.

I’m very proud of the tools that I’ve been able to give women and young girls to catapult them into success in life. One of the things I’ve always been complimented on is my ability to make people feel comfortable. I think in that I’ve been able to make people feel comfortable with me but also within themselves and give them that boost of confidence to say, I can go for that job, or I am good enough for this, or it might be scary to go talk to that manager but I can conquer that fear.

I’m from Harrisonburg, Virginia, and I actually think Goshen is like a little Harrisonburg. Goshen just reminds me of that town and that energy. First off, everybody is super, super friendly, but then, creatives as a whole are very encouraging and supportive of each other. People aren’t afraid to reach out, which I really love about the photography community here. I feel like it really embodies community over competition.”

Misti Yoder - Goshen Arts Council
Misti Yoder - Goshen Arts Council
Misti Yoder - Goshen Arts Council
Misti Yoder - Goshen Arts Council